Saturday, October 12, 2013

An Update

It's been quite a while, and this update won't be comprehensive yet, but here are just a few things I found amusing or enjoyed:

1. I went on a first date with a boy and he legitimately asked "do you like cheese?" The first thing out of my mouth was, of course, 

Hand under chin and everything. I couldn't help myself and no, he had never seen She's the Man. 

2. Last night I was doing calculus with my friend who happens to be black. We got stuck on a related rates problem about watermelon. Watermelon. It wasn't really that funny, but the small side of me that is amused by stereotypes chuckled and wanted to share with the world. 

3. Some kids in the cohort assigned The Office characters to each member of te cohort. Guess who is the one and only Pam. This kid. They also did Parks and Rec, and guess who I am now! 
Ann Perkins!! 👉👉

Anyway, more after I drive home!!
